November 14, 2002

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Village Council business—
Council to revise records board

Village Council last week agreed to reestablish a Records Commission to oversee the handling of public records, including their retention and disposal. The commission will also create a policy for the handling of electronic records.

At their meeting Nov. 4, Council members supported a proposal from the clerk of Council, Deborah Benning, to revise the commission, based on Ohio law. The commission would consist of Village Manager Rob Hillard, Solicitor John Chambers, Treasurer Larry Kimbro and Bruce Cornett, the Village’s technology support person. Benning would serve as the board’s secretary, allowing her to participate in its proceedings.

Council will formally reestablish the commission at its next meeting, Nov. 18.

The Ohio Revised Code mandates Ohio municipalities to have records commissions to provide guidelines for retaining and disposing of municipal records. The state auditor must approve plans to destroy public records. The Ohio Historical Society is given an opportunity to keep any records scheduled for disposal for the documents’ historical context.

The Records Commission will likely establish a records retention schedule and decide how the Village retains its records, Hillard said this week.

Based on the policy on record, Benning said after the meeting, it appears the last time a Village Records Commission met was 1978, when the Village’s records retention policy was filed with the state.

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In other Council business:

• Council approved 3–0 the first reading of an ordinance revising the fee schedule for door-to-door solicitors. Council members Hazel Latson and George Pitstick were absent. The ordinance would allow the Village to charge $25 for vendors selling magazines, medicines, goods, wares or anything of value. These vendors would also be required to obtain a license from the Village.

The fee would not apply to representatives of religious, patriotic, charitable or civic organizations. The ordinance does not require vendors selling their own products to obtain a license from the Village.

The proposal comes in response to a recent Ohio Supreme Court decision that said municipalities must differentiate nonprofit solicitors from for-profit solicitors.

• Council approved 3–0 a resolution to sell two decommissioned vehicles for $750 to Antioch University. In its bid, the university said one of the cars, a 1992 Ford Sedan, must be towed, while the other, a ’94 Ford Sedan, will not start.

• Council also approved 3–0 a resolution giving the Village authority to collect portions of insurance money a property owner receives when a building is destroyed or severely damaged in a fire. The Village would return the money to the property owner when a building is repaired or demolished.

• Council agreed to several tentative dates to hold a special meeting on a community visioning project: Sunday, Nov. 17 or 24, or Thursday, Nov. 21, depending on the schedule of all five Council members.

• Council agreed to create a policy giving its members the authority to remove members of Village boards and commission who miss three consecutive meetings.

—Robert Mihalek